• Hedgehog Rescue Newsletter – Summer 2024

    In time for our open day on July 6th we celebrate 25 years of Hedgehog Rescue; learn about how hedgehogs have been viewed and treated in the past; discuss how to create a wildlife pond and living carpet in your garden; and discover which...

  • Would you like free help in cutting a hole in your fence to enable hedgehogs to access your garden?

    If you live in Emersons Green, Lyde Green, Warmley, Cadbury Heath, Longwell Green or Willsbridge the ‘Common Connections’ project is offering to help create a hedgehog highway in your street for free. Hedgehogs often struggle to travel safely between green spaces so they need...

  • Hedgehog Rescue Newsletter – Spring 2024

    This edition has a bumper crop of hedgehog stories, reminds us to clean out our hedgehog houses and focuses on spring-time wellbeing – for us and the hedgehogs. We have the date of our anniversary open day. Find out details of the next stage...

  • Hedgehog Rescue Newsletter – Winter 2023

    Our bumper wintery edition of the newsletter has lots of goodies, including hedgehog houses, that you can buy for Christmas, whilst supporting HR at the same time. We have a story from one of our hedgehog fosterers, and an article about changes in legislation...

  • Hedgehog Rescue Newsletter – Autumn 2023

    Autumn’s newsletter focuses on our courier stories, including a rescue story from Ashton Park School. There’s the usual features of “Who’s in, who’s out?” and “Hog of the Month”, we have a story from the public, how to make a hibernaculum, and some updates...

  • Hedgehog Rescue Newsletter – Summer 2023

    As well as the usual features like updates of HR’s hog intake, Summer’s newsletter looks back at our Open Day and explains what to look out for during the summer’s hoglet season. We dispel a myth about a hedgehog’s diet and talk about how...

  • Open Day Raises £1000!

    Our Open Day was a huge success… after many days of preparation, the weather was kind and we had a fantastic turnout raising vital funds for Hedgehog Rescue. Thanks to all those volunteers who made this possible… and to my ever-supportive husband John who...

  • Hedgehog Rescue Open Day – May 1st 2023

    Hedgehog Rescue’s Open Day is this Bank Holiday Monday, May 1st, 10am-4pm. With informal talks by Yvonne and our volunteers about Hedgehog Rescue, Wildlife Gardening and Medicinal Plants, and tombola, competitions, card readings and stalls. Plot 24, Goldcrest Road Allotments (Robin Way entrance) BS37...

  • Hedgehog Rescue Newsletter – Spring 2023

    As well as the usual hog stories, this season’s newsletter gives us an update on the allotment and extention projects and shines the spotlight on one of our volunteers. If you missed it you can also read the article on HR that was published...